~~TOC~~ ====== SMS Alerts ====== Worldnet Payments provide the ability for merchants to be notified when specific events occur in their payment processing system. You can find "**SMS Alerts**" section under the **SETTINGS** tab in the Selfcare. This notification can be in the form of an eMail, an SMS message, or both. Select **SMS Alerts** from the drop down box. Each event can be triggered by choosing a monetary amount qualifier. For example, if the merchant wishes to be notified each time one of their system operators refunds a transaction for more than €1000 then select the ‘Sale Refunded’ event, choose ‘Greater than’ and enter 1000 in the value column. Sample **SMS Alerts** window: %settings_sms_alert Alerts can by sent for SMS notification based on current value thresholds (less than/greater than the value entered) for each of the following: **Daily Net Sales** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified daily of your processing totals. These totals are broken down into Net Total, Net Sales, Net Voids and Net Refunds. **Sale Approval** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified each time a sale is approved. **Sale Decline** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified each time a sale is declined. **Sale Pended** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified each time a sale is pended by the system or when an operator manually pends a transaction. **Sale Voided** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified each time a sale is pended by a system operator. **Sale Refunded** - Choose this option if you wish to be notified each time a sale is refunded by a system operator. Enter a phone number capable of receiving SMS/text notification. Note that the alert can be turned On/Off at any time. When data entry is complete, select **Update SMS Alerts**.