====== Custom Fields ====== It is possible for the merchant to choose **Custom Fields** to appear on the Virtual Terminal and Hosted Payment Page. The **Custom Fields** are accessible from **SETTINGS** menu. Custom Fields include: Field Name, Size, Display Order, mandatory flag and links to delete/edit the field. Sample **Custom Fields** window: %custom_fields \\ The following attributes can be configured for each custom field: %custom2_fields * **Name** – the name of the custom field. * **Display Name** – the name of the field which will appear on the Payment Page and Virtual Terminal. * **Size** – the width of the field when it is displayed. * **Display Order** – It is possible to set the order in which the fields appear on the payment pages using this setting. This value is between 1 and 100, with the lower number field displayed first on the payment pages. * **Virtual Terminal** (check-box) – choose this option if this custom field should appear on the Virtual Terminal. * **Payment Page** (check-box) – choose this option if the custom field should appear on the Hosted Payment Page. * **Mandatory** (check-box) – Choose this option if the user MUST fill out this field before proceeding. * **Bulk Payment** (check-box) - available only with if an additional agreement between the merchant and Worldnet Payments is in place. Fill up all new fields or make all required changes and click the ‘**Save**’ button to store changes. To customize another setting, select **Add Custom Field**. The **Add Custom Field** screen will request the Name of the field to be customized, the Language, the Display Name, the Field Type (String, Numeric or Boolean), the Display Order (1-20), and the option to use this feature for Virtual Terminal, Payment Page and Bulk Payment (check = yes, blank = no) and whether or not this is a Mandatory Field (check = yes, blank = no). Select **Save** to complete your customized field. Before you leave this screen, select the language you wish to be used as the **Language Default** option. Click to **Save**. **Deleting a Custom Field:** Click the '**Delete**' link in the Custom Fields main page to delete a Custom Field. The chosen field will be marked as deleted __without a confirmation dialog__. This field will not appear in the terminal Custom Fields list but it will be displayed in the transaction details page for orders already processed using this custom field.