====== Unit of Measure Codes ====== Codes for units of measurement used in international trade. The code is the acronym in capital letters (e.g. EA, ACR) ^ **CODE** ^ **UNIT OF MEASURE** ^ | EA | Each | | ACR | Acre (4840 yd2) | | AMH | Ampere-hour (3.6 kC) | | AMP | Ampere | | ANN | Year | | APZ | Ounce GB, US (31.10348 g) (tr oz.) | | ARE | Are (100 m2) | | ASM | Alcoholic strength mass | | ASV | Alcoholic strength by volume | | ATM | Standard atmosphere (101325 Pa) | | ATT | Technical atmosphere (98066.5 Pa) | | BAR | Bar | | BFT | Board foot | | BHP | Brake horsepower (745.7 W) | | BHX | Hundred boxes | | BIL | Billion Eur (trillion US) | | BLD | Dry barrel (115.627 dm3) | | BLL | Barrel | | BQL | Becquerel | | BTU | British thermal unit (1.055 Kilojoules) | | BUA | Bushel (35.2391 dm3) | | BUI | Bushel (36.36874 dm3) | | BX | Box | | CCT | Carrying capacity in metric tons | | CDL | Candela | | CEL | Celsius degrees | | CEN | Hundred | | CGM | Centigram | | CKG | Coulomb per kg | | CLF | Hundred leaves | | CLT | Centiliter | | CMK | Square centimeter | | CMT | Centimeter | | CNP | Hundred packs | | CNT | Cental GB (45.359237 kg) | | COU | Coulomb | | CS | Case | | CTM | Metric carat (200 Mg = 2.10-4 kg) | | CUR | Curie | | CWA | Hundredweight US (45.3592 kg) | | DAA | Decare | | DAD | Ten days | | DAY | Day | | DEC | Decade (10 years) | | DLT | Deciliter | | DMK | Square decimeter | | DMQ | Cubic decimeter | | DMT | Decimeter | | DPC | Dozen pieces | | DPT | Displacement tonnage | | DRA | Dram US (3.887935 g) | | DRI | Dram GB (1.771745 g) | | DRL | Dozen rolls | | DRM | Drachm gm (3.887935 g) | | DTH | Hectokilogram | | DTN | Centner / Quintal, metric (100 kg) (decitonne) | | DWT | Pennyweight GB, US (1.555174 g) | | DZN | Dozen | | DZP | Dozen packs | | DZR | Dozen pairs | | EA | Each | | EAC | Each | | FAH | Fahrenheit degrees | | FAR | Farad | | FOT | Foot (.3048 m) | | FTK | Square foot | | FTQ | Cubic foot | | GBQ | Gigabequerel | | GFI | Gram of fissile isotopes | | GGR | Great gross (12 gross) | | GIA | Gill (11.8294 cm3) | | GII | Gill (0.142065 dm3) | | GLD | Dry gallon (4.404884 dm3) | | GLI | Gallon (4.546092 dm3) | | GLL | Liquid gallon (3.78541 dm3) | | GRM | Gram | | GRN | Grain GB, US (64.798910 mg) | | GRO | Gross | | GRT | Gross (Register) ton | | GWH | Gigawatt-hour (1 Million kWh | | HAR | Hectare | | HBA | Hectobar | | HGM | Hectogram | | HIU | Hundred international units | | HLT | Hectoliter | | HMQ | Million cubic meters | | HMT | Hectometer | | HPA | Hectoliter of pure alcohol | | HTZ | Hertz | | HUR | Hour | | INH | Inch (25.4 mm) | | INK | Square inch | | INQ | Cubic inch | | ITM | Item | | JOU | Joule | | KBA | Kilobar | | KEL | Kelvin | | KGM | Kilogram | | KGS | Kilogram per second | | KHZ | Kilohertz | | KJO | Kilojoule | | KMH | Kilometer per hour | | KMK | Square kilometer | | KMQ | Kilogram per cubic meter | | KMT | Kilometer | | KNI | Kilogram of nitrogen | | KNS | Kilogram of named substance | | KNT | Knot (1 nautical mile per hour) | | KPA | Kilopascal | | KPH | Kilogram of caustic potash (kilogram of potassium hydroxide) | | KPO | Kilogram of potassium oxide | | KPP | Kilogram of phosphoric anhydride (kilogram of phosphoric pentoxide) | | KSD | Kilogram of substance 90% dry | | KSH | Kilogram of caustic soda | | KTN | Kilotonne | | KUR | Kilogram of uranium | | KVA | Kilovolt-ampere | | KVR | Kilovar | | KVT | Kilovolt | | KWH | Kilowatt-hour | | KWT | Kilowatt | | LBR | Pound GB, US (0.45359237 kg) | | LBS | Pounds | | LBT | Troy pound, US (373.242 g) | | LEF | Leaf | | LPA | Liter of pure alcohol | | LTN | Long ton GB, US (1.0160469 T) | | LTR | Liter (1 dm3) | | LUM | Lumen | | LUX | Lux | | MAL | Megaliter | | MAM | Megameter | | MAW | Megawatt | | MBE | Thousand standard brick equivalent | | MBF | Thousand board-feet (2.36 m3) | | MBR | Millibar | | MCU | Millicurie | | MGM | Milligram | | MHZ | Megahertz | | MIK | Square mile | | MIL | Thousand | | MIN | Minute | | MIO | Million | | MIU | Million international units | | MLD | Billion US (milliard) | | MLT | Milliliter | | MMK | Square millimeter | | MMQ | Cubic millimeter | | MMT | Millimeter | | MON | Month | | MPA | Megapascal | | MQH | Cubic meter per hour | | MQS | Cubic meter per second | | MSK | Meter per second squared | | MTK | Square meter | | MTQ | Cubic meter | | MTR | Meter | | MTS | Meter per second | | MVA | Megavolt-ampere (1000 kva) | | MWH | Megawatt-hour (1000 kWh) | | NAR | Number of articles | | NBB | Number of bobbins | | NCL | Number of cells | | NEW | Newton | | NIU | Number of international units | | NMB | Number | | NMI | Nautical mile (1852 m) | | NMP | Number of packs | | NMR | Number of pairs | | NPL | Number of parcels | | NPT | Number of parts | | NRL | Number of rolls | | NTT | Net (register) ton | | OHM | Ohm | | ONZ | Ounce GB, US (28.349523 g) | | OZA | Fluid ounce (29.5735 cm3) | | OZI | Fluid ounce (28.413 cm3) | | PAL | Pascal | | PCB | Piece | | PCE | Piece | | PGL | Proof gallon | | PK | Package | | PTD | Dry pint (0.55061 dm3) | | PTI | Pint (0.568262 dm3) | | PTL | Liquid pint (0.473176 dm3) | | QAN | Quarter (of a year) | | QTD | Dry quart (1.101221 dm3) | | QTI | Quart (1.136523 dm3) | | QTL | Liquid quart (0.946353 dm3) | | QTR | Quarter, GB (12.700586 kg) | | RPM | Revolution per minute | | RPS | Revolution per second | | SAN | Half year (6 months) | | SCO | Score | | SCR | Scruple GB, US (1.295982 g) | | SEC | Second | | SET | Set | | SHT | Shipping ton | | SIE | Siemens | | SMI | (Statute) mile (1609.344 m) | | SST | Short Standard (7200 matches) | | ST | Unknown unit of measure | | STI | Stone GB (6.350293 kg) | | STN | Short ton GB, US (0.90718474 T) | | TAH | Thousand ampere-hour | | TNE | Metric ton (1000 kg) (tonne (1000 kg) | | TPR | Ten pairs | | TQD | Thousand cubic meters per day | | TRL | Trillion EUR | | TSD | Tonne of substance 90% dry | | TSH | Ton of steam per hour | | VLT | Volt | | WCD | Cord (3.63 m3) | | WEB | Weber | | WEE | Week | | WHR | Watt-hour | | WSD | Standard | | WTT | Watt | | YDK | Square yard | | YDQ | Cubic yard | | YRD | Yard (0.9144 m) |